YouTube Rewind 2013 – Prancercise® Always

Its been a big year for Prancercise® LLC. Since the initial YouTube viral video craze of May, to music videos, commercials and a lot of network airtime, it’s safe to say we have reason to celebrate as we gallop into 2014.

Recently, Prancercise® owner and founder, Joanna Rohrback, accepted an exclusive invite by YouTube to take part in their video mash-up of 2013.

“To celebrate 2013, we invited some YouTubers to star in a mashup of popular moments this year. Can you spot all the references?” says YouTube Spotlight in its video caption.

Joanna can be found leading her trademark horse-inspired moves to a line of Robin Thicke-esque dancers before all 60 YouTube stars break out into the Harlem Shake.

Yes, this year has been a whirlwind.

“This past year has introduced me to the hypercritical life a celebrity experiences…the groundswell of joy and fun I’ve obviously been able to deliver to masses of people…autographs, pictures with me and hugs,” gushes Joanna as she reflects.

Through all the attention she remains humble and optimistic as the dust begins to settle. “The future holds a host of possibilities. On the horizon some possibilities are a reality show, my own studio to teach classes and, ideally, franchises.”

As the Prancercise® team and network begins to form together we ask you to also reflect back on your year in 2013. Get out in nature, meditate, be thankful for your body and get it moving. Get out there and start to learn how to Prancercise®, the book and short video are a good place to start until we can offer more instruction! Don’t worry what people might think, because essentially your own well-being is reflective of you.

Take it from Joanna herself. “Let them laugh,” she says, “Who would pay attention to a boring, average, everyday video? I am so glad…I have my confidence.”

Types of Strength Training: Pros and Cons

What type of exercises cause the most injuries? It has been shown that weight training causes a hefty portion of sports injuries and some can be permanent. There is very little need to do more than isometrics and isotonics for muscle tone unless your dream is to be a competitive body builder or you’re sold on a very muscular “Macho” image. Flexibility derived from exercises like yoga and swimming, and aerobic exercises like Prancercise®combined with spot isometric and isotonic exercises, can give a person a well-rounded and fit body. I personally use light ankle/wrist weights during Prancercise® and during my pre and post preparation for it.